John DeRosiers, JdR Wine & Beer, Mulled Wine
Pam Plonsker : Life Tile Gifts, Custom Ornaments
Nicole Zeman: Silver Whimsy Jewelry
Stacy Jacobs: Stacy Jacobs Art; Resin & Fluid Artist
Becky Arrowood: Legacy Fudge
Kathleen O’Hara: Lake Bluff History Museum/LB Branded Items
Monika Virta-Gupta: Annie Handbags
Debbie Allbright: Rags to Stitches, Handmade Items from Recycled Sweaters
Johnny Garcon: Nuts To Go
Nathan Speweik: Lincoln Land Kettle Corn
Shane Wimmer: Gourminis Caramels
Lesley Fisher: LFHS Alumni
Kristen Weisberg: Toffee Traditions
Troy Umland: Umland’s Crunchy Cheese Bites
Vesna Djurdjevic: European Homemade Cookies
David V: Bonique USA: waffles
Charlotte Muzik: Designs By Charlotte Jewelry
Kennedy Hawxhurst: Studio Kennedy Ceramics
Irene Breytman: SofTea Tea
Bob London: Shore Fisherman’s Corner Nature Photography
Kathryn Haydon Sparkitivity BooksAnd New Perspectives Aerial Photography