Margaret Rosemeyer - Eclectic Design Source

Margaret Rosemeyer CFD AIFD
Eclectic Design Source, LLC
Lake Forest/Lake Bluff Chamber of Commerce: What was your inspiration for starting Eclectic Design Source?
Margaret Rosemeyer: I’ve been designing for 38 years now! Starting Eclectic came from an array of past passions. I started my career in horticulture and transitioned to floriculture & worked as an event florist for many years. I am a Master Gardener & accredited floral designer with the American Institute of Floral Designers. Interior design was a natural transition. My husband is a carpenter, and my son is a general contractor, so it’s in our blood!
LFLBC: What is the one thing you want people to know about Eclectic Design Source?
MR: Well, that we’re here in Lake Bluff! We’re a fantastic resource for any décor needs you may have for your home or office. We offer residential, retail and commercial design. We have great relationships with excellent tradesmen. Sometimes a client relies heavily on me for that, and we work with only professionals who do exceptional work. We offer a 90-minute design package for DIY'S where we visit a location and make design recommendations, and a 20-hour package for small design projects. We also offer full-service turn-key design where we design and manage renovations of homes, apartments and condominiums as well as new construction. We work alongside architects and builders through completion of the project.
Window treatments, fabrics, furniture, flooring—we can source everything. Eclectic will design, measure and provide professional install. We've got you covered. We’re in the business to help people design a beautiful home and avoid costly mistakes.
LFLBC: How has the pandemic affected your business?
MR: Our business never stopped. We’ve never been busier. People are spending more time in their homes and have had more time to really think about how they use their spaces. So with the time and the money to spend, they have kept us busy.
LFLBC: How do you give back to the community?
MR: We always donate design services to local school and non-profit fundraisers.
LFLBC: Is there anything else you would like to share?
MR: Visit our website and follow us on Instagram @eclecticds We’d love to see you!