Rebecca Asfour
The Dailey Method
188 East Westminster, LF
The Dailey Method is the fastest way to a strong, lean, sculpted body. Combining the best of Pilates, yoga, and ballet barre training, classes are an ever-evolving mix of movement that offer extreme benefits for body and mind.
Lake Forest/Lake Bluff Chamber of Commerce: What was your inspiration for owning The Dailey Method?
Rebecca Asfour: I came to the Lake Forest Dailey Method studio as a student, 5 months after my little guy was born, and with pretty bad postpartum depression. I walked into the studio without knowing anyone, left my baby in the childcare room and I took a barre class that helped me find my strength, balance, courage and, ultimately, my best self. After only a month of taking class, I was toned and fit without injury or aches in my ankles and knees. As a former runner, this was remarkable!
I loved The Dailey Method so much that I trained to teach barre and then eventually took over the Lake Forest studio in 2015. Now that we have opened in Vernon Hills, I am honored to bring The Dailey Method classes to a whole new community.
LFLBC: What is your business vision?
RA: My vision for our studio is that we always make everyone feel welcome and we always promote a sense of community. Because that’s what we are – a community. We are a community of women and men, parents, students, grandparents, children. I think the defining part of my journey is that I understand the concept of being a new kid because I moved a lot growing up. I understand how challenging it can be to try something brand new and that scary feeling of walking into an unfamiliar place for the first time. Now my job is to make people feel welcome when they walk through our doors. My job is to make people happy and help them find their best (and strongest) self. It’s a job I take very seriously.
For someone who never had a hometown, and always felt like the new kid, I’ve purposefully created a place where everyone is welcome, encouraged, supported. I’ve created a little hometown community within the studio walls!
LFLBC: What is one thing about The Dailey Method that you want people to know?
RA: The Dailey Method is for everybody and every BODY. Our classes are amazing for women (and men!) of all fitness levels, sizes and ages. If you have an injury, you can come here. If you're pregnant, you can come here. If you just had a baby, you can come here. It really is a remarkable that our classes really do work for everyone.
To get started, I recommend our first month special – it’s $85 for an unlimited month of barre and cycle classes. This is a great way to try different class formats, different teachers, different times. This is how I started at the studio, and I think it’s the right amount of time to try us out and understand what we’re all about!
LFLBC: What has been your greatest business initiative?
RA: Growing. Opening a second studio was a huge leap of faith and a ton of hard work. But I truly believe in our product – and I know that we offer the best barre and cycle classes, lead by the most amazing instructors, within a super positive and uplifting environment. It’s the perfect recipe for happiness, and I believe, to my very core, that The Dailey Method will continue to thrive.
LFLBC: Do you work with any other local businesses?
RA: Yes! We love our fellow local businesses! We have done special partnerships and promotions with a lot of the nearby business from Bedside Manor to Lily Alexander to Kiddles! I think collaborating and connecting in our town is really important.
I’m actually going to be speaking on Friday, May 17 at 1 pm at the Lake Forest Shop to the Entrepreneur Club. Everyone is welcome! I'm going to talk about my journey to becoming an entrepreneur and hopefully inspire others to take a leap of faith into something new themselves!
LFLBC: How do you give back to the community?
RA: We love to be involved in the community in any way we can. We do a lot of donation drives and fundraisers at the studio. We did a huge book drive with Bernie's Book Bank, we’ve hosted really successful diaper and clothing drives. Most recently, we collected gently used athletic clothing and donated it to Haven House in Libertyville. We have some other exciting charitable events coming up this year too. I believe that it’s our responsibility to be of service to others.
LFLBC: Is there anything else you’d like to share??
RA: I often hear that people either are intimidated to come take a class…or they don’t have time to workout. To anyone new, I wholeheartedly invite you to come take a class with us because once you walk in, you will understand there is nothing to be intimated about. We will always greet you with a smile and you are always welcome. I promise! Secondly, if you don’t have a lot of free time, I totally empathize! I think of my workouts as a gift to myself – as a time to find balance and strength – and I am a better mom, wife, friend, sister and daughter after I take class. I have 2 small children and 2 businesses, so it’s a real struggle for me to find time to take class too! But just try to carve out time for 3 classes per week (we offer 45 minute and 1 hour classes, so maybe start with 3 45 minute classes). If you can take 3, that’s all you need to do to see real results. We can’t wait to see you at the barre and on the bike!